The Blogger Princess

Fashion, Food, Beauty, Home & Travel Digital Magazine

The first week of the year isn’t over yet, and yes, I was ill due to the stubborn flu that hit our household in New Year, but now that we’re all well, I think it’s about time to give you some positive vibes. To start with, let me share my diet resolutions for 2022. It’s the perfect time to read this as well because I’m pretty sure that after the holiday feast, we all wanted to burn out those calories, huh?

Let me share with you first about my best diet practices (means I’ve been doing a great job 👏😊).

My Best Diet Practices

1 cup of rice

I am consistent in having 1 cup of rice per meal. Sometimes, instead of eating rice, I have bread with egg and cheese for breakfast or just plain hard-boiled egg without rice 🍚

Switching to sugar-free coffee

It’s definitely hard to give up coffee, but I thought of a way of not doing so. I’m really thankful that I have discovered the sugar-free coffee that I’m using now (That’s when I was super obsessed with creating a low-calorie diet).

Maintaining a low-calorie diet

Low -calorie diet with sugar-free coffee

I have attempted to create my own low-calorie weekly menu, and even used an app to record my daily calorie intake. I guess that was not effective for me— but as long as I carefully choose what to eat, I’m good ☺️

Increasing water intake

I make sure that I drink a glass of water once in a while, so I won’t be dehydrated.

My Diet Resolutions

1. Occasional indulgences in sweet temptations

Uhmm, lately I’ve been including chocolate bars in my weekly grocery list. It started on my birthday month and after New Year. Now, I will make sure to satisfy my sweet cravings and have my cheat session occasionally.

2. Store crackers and healthy snacks

Instead of junk foods, I’m thinking of gradually replacing them into healthy snacks. I know it’s not a hard thing to do.

3. Include veggies in our weekly menu.

Aside from egg and chicken-based foods, selected veggies can also be added at least twice per week to have a healthy diet.

I am praying and hoping that I will be able to fulfill these and I am looking forward to a healthy 2022 despite of the challenges that we are facing right now. It’s just a week that has passed. Let’s look forward to a better and colorful year.


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